Things That Come In Threes
Isiaah 6:1-8; John 3:1-17
Today is Trinity Sunday. We love the stories that are told and retold
over the course of the church year: Christmas, Easter, Pentecost, the
parables of Jesus, the stories in Acts about the Apostles and the
church. And then we have Trinity Sunday. This is the one Sunday that
focuses on a doctrine of the church. When preachers choose to preach
a Trinity Sunday sermon, they generally take on the impossible task
of explaining something that is beyond explanation. I’ve done it,
more than once - sometimes with reasonably good response; other times
putting a congregation to sleep with theological mumbo-jumbo. So,
today, I am NOT going to attempt explaining what we mean by the
Trinity. But I do hope to play with the idea of Trinity so that you
might experience something of the mystery of God.